We are very excited to announce that our family will be growing as Baby Aiken is due to arrive 15th of March! This has been the reason behind us having no posts on our blog because I have been really, really sick since the 5th week into the pregnancy. We are now at the 14th week and I still have the nausea and extreme tiredness. I had a 4 day time period last week where the nausea went away, but it came back yesterday. Yuck!
So here is the first ultrasound we had at week 9. We have one coming up at week 16 so the baby will be more formed and we will be able to see the arms and legs...it is so amazing to see the progression of how a baby grows from the moment of conception. God has truly been blowing us away with this process of growing our family!
My mom came out for 9 days, left this morning actually. It was wonderful to have her here to see our day to day lives and was a tremendous help being my chauffeur and cooking meals for us. What a blessing to have the best mom in the world!
We will keep you posted as the days pass, might not be too regular at adding things to the blog but know that we do continue to think of you all and would love to hear from you!